Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthday #56 for the Hubby!!!

Hi all.... Didn't find time to post yesterday, it was my husband's 56th birthday and I just spent the day with him and then had a party with the family last night. I had planned to get over to  my studio after the party but too much cake and ice cream and I was in for the evening!!!!
Today my son is working on getting my Etsy shop set up for me. It's a little overwhelming for a non-tech person like me, but he is doing a great job at getting it all set up for me. I'm so excited that I finally am getting my blog, facebook page and now my Esty shop all set up while he is still here!!!! He will be leaving to go to London in Feb. so time is of the essence. LOL!!!!! He also plans to work on my blog site and tweak it more for me too!!
I worked on a shirt for a customer today. I think it turned out cute but still needed a little something. I am going to post the before and after pictures and see what you think. I blinged it up (the customer wanted bling) and I like it so much better.

I am on call for the hospital tomorrow so I am not sure what it will hold for me!!! Gotta lot more to share this week, check back often :)

Oh, one more thing to share, a flower ring I made to go with this shirt, I thought it was perfect with the tie dye and peace heart sign. Hope Emily likes it :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm still in Valentine's Day mode, anyone else?

Hi all, I am still working on Valentine's Day items, I have a couple more customer orders to complete and have made several shirts for the grands to wear to school and just for fun!!!! I really need to start thinking about the next holiday coming up, but this has been so much fun and the designs are so cute, it's hard to change gears and start thinking about spring. I did get my granddaughter, Annabella, a shirt made that can be used for spring. The design is from Planet Applique and it is an adorable design. I can envision using it on a baby blanket, burps and bibs. Also want to make something for my little yorkie Izzy Bee, maybe another jacket since it has the cutest little bee on it :)

I also completed a few more shirts for boys... I wasn't sure if I could come up with something for them since they are getting older now, but I think they turned out pretty good and are age appropriate for them.... it's hard as they are getting older, for girls there are always designs to do, more than I have time, but for the grandsons its harder....

There are a couple of more I completed and wanted to share, the first is a dress with hanging hearts on it and the second is a be mine shirt. Both designs are from Hang to Dry. I am in love with all of their designs, and they stitch out beautifully. What do you think...
I have to get started on clothes for our Disney trip in May. I can't wait to make those, there are so many cute designs and I love Mickey and Minnie Mouse, I ordered a vintage pattern to make a cute little jumper with a purse for Bella.
Received 2 boxes of fabric and goodies from my sweet sister in law this week. She also has the love of sewing and embroidery, I just wished she didn't live 6 hours away. She could be such a great mentor to me. I am hoping to go to a seminar in April in Kentucky where she lives, it will be wonderful to talk sewing and embroidery for a few days non-stop!!!!! She has more fabric than anyone I have ever known and I am in awe of her talent!!!! Thanks Dreama for all of the goodies and inspiration!!!!
Hope to get lots of things completed this weekend!!!!! If all goes right, I hope to be in my studio nonstop, at least that is my plan.  Hope life cooperates.... 

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well today has been a slow one for me, I am at my wits end with my camera! I have tried to take some half way desent pictures of the shirts I made for the boys for Valentine's Day and I can't get it right. So.... I am going to post the not so good pictures and just keep trying to get them better next time!!! LOL.... I want to work on more things but the picture taking is doing me in. It is me of course, the camera is a pretty good one so I can't blame the pictures on not having a good camera. I need help!!!!! Well here they are and I am getting back to what I love to do.....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I have a friend that is going to be a grandma for the first time and is hosting her daughter's shower soon. I wanted to share a new spin on a diaper cake. I made diaper cake panels for a friend's shower last year and I loved how it turned out. By putting button holes in the panels, the best thing of all is that you can use them as a wall hanging in the baby's room after the shower. I made a fireman themed diaper cake because my friend's significant other is a fireman. I used a dark rose-red color in an effort to girl it up since she was expecting a girl. See what you think? I can imagine so many different themes that would just be adorable. Can't wait to see how the next one turns out!!!! I added wash cloths, bibs and a little dolly on top. I think you could also add lotion, baby bath, rattles, just about anything that could easily be rolled up and placed around the "cake" LOL! Diaper cake panel designs are from Planet Applique.

I usually prefer to make girl things just because it is so much fun, but today I have been working on some Valentine's Day shirts for my grandsons and I am loving it!!!! I found so many cute designs this year that I have really enjoyed embroidering shirts for them too. I can't wait to take pictures to post!!! Hopefully tomorrow I will get to that!!! Taking pictures is definitely not my strong suit but I keep trying. But for now I want to post a dress I embroidered for Annabella last year and it was too big :(   Thank goodness it fits her to a "T" this year. She is all about bubble gum right now so I love the theme of this little dress. See what you think! Bubble gum dress designs are from Linnie Pinnie.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Blurry Friday

Well, I am touching base with everyone late tonight. Today has just been a blur.. my family took  front seat today and I wasn't able to get to my studio like I had planned. Believe me, I am not complaining at all, life happens and I am so thankful to have my family close and to help out when needed. My daughter and her family live right beside me and it is wonderful.  I kept my 3 grandchildren this afternoon so I didn't find time to sew or embroidery :(  Anyone else out there feel like if they don't get to do something with their passion ( no matter what it is) that something is missing for the day. Hope so, because that's the way it is for me. I either have to buy fabric, order fabric, buy embroidery patterns, emboridery or sew or my world just isn't right for the day. I call that a passion or obsession, whichever you choose to call it. Maybe a little crazy too!!!! LOL! I still have plenty to share though, I have all kinds of things to post and share with blog world out there!!!! Here are a few more valentine shirts I have made recently. Ordered more patterns tonight, just before coming over here to blog and just be in my own space. I feel very blessed to have so much space, but gee whiz, I have a entire apartment for my studio and  I still filled it all up!!!! My husband says we are never moving, he would just have an estate sale first. I am going to take pictures one day to share when it is not so messy like now. When I get it a little more organized maybe.....
But then would I sew and emboridery?
Also wanted to share a couple of things I made for Easter..... just to get the wheels turning for everyone.
First I made shirts for my 2 grandsons, Trey and Asher.... Love the saying on their shirts " Hanging with my peeps" soooo cute!!!!

The next are stuffed jelly beans made in the hoop. I made these last yr for the grands and they have loved  and played with them so much. One of the things that was time well spent. Hope you enjoy looking....

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love Banners

Well, today has not gone as planned. I had a day trying to get my camera working again, I bought a new SD card and it won't work (Ugh!!!!!!) I must be equipment challenged. I try but just can't get anywhere. Oh well, now to get back to my passion, and believe me, it is not cameras or computers!!!! LOL!
I made a couple of in the hoop banners for Valentine's Day I want to share with you. Hope you like them, I did them in 2 completely different color ways......

I also got the Vintage Luxe Elephant shirt completed for Brooklyn and wanted to share how it turned out too. Now to get going on the boys shirts, but first a cup of coffee.....

Day # 2

Hi all, well it is day #2 on my blog, I am super excited to share all of my Valentine's Day creations with you. My son, Clint is helping me tweak my blog site and get all of my pictures organized, so please be patient, my learning curve is a lot longer now at 53. LOL!!!!. I am going to work on a couple of customer orders as well as shirts for my 2 grandsons today. The shirt for one of my customers is a cute little vintage style design from HTD (you will see that I use alot of their designs, LOVE THEM!!!!!. Here is a picture of one I made for Annabella. Now I've got to get sewing...... stay tuned, I will post more pictures later, oh and by the way, anybody out there in blog land need a Victorian bed, I have one for sale, will post a picture of it later too, I need to put up shelves in my studio and the bed is in the bedroom that I need :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Valentine's Day all blinged up!!!!

Since I am currently working on Valentine's Day items for my grandchildren and customers I want to share a few pictures of things I have recently finished. For my first post with pictures I am sharing a shirt I made for my granddaughter, Annabella, you will be seeing and hearing alot about her on my blog. My only granddaugher, she is very special and you will see as cute as a button :) I also have two grandsons, Trey and Asher that are also as sweet as can be and a new little one due in August.  I am also posting a picture of a jacket that I made for my little yorkie, Izzy Bee. I can't wait to get a picture of them wearing their matching clothes. The embroidery designs are from Hang to Dry ( I LOVE all of their designs, evey single one of them!). The sequins were easy to add, all with the embroidery machine. AMAZING!!!!!! The little jacket for Izzy Bee was from Target, a great find and I have one in pink and purple too!!! She will be staying warm this winter as well as styling around in her designer clothes. LOL!!!!!! Let me know what you think!

My First Blog

Hi guys, thanks for making it to my new blog site.  I look forward to sharing an insight into my life and passion for sewing and embroidery.  I will be posting pictures of things that I've sewn, as well as my wonderful family.  Please check in often, there will be lots of fun blogs to come.  Oh, and be patient, I'm new at this, lol.