Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blue Ribbons Everywhere!

Well not everywhere, but I got 5! Yeah! On everything I entered I got a blue ribbon, granted it's a small county fair and there were not many entries but still, I conquered my fear of being judged and my work being substandard. I am sure there are alot of people out there in craft land that have the same fears.

On the schedule for this week is helping my hubby get ready for the races. He loves Nascar and is going to the Bristol TN race for a few days. I made him hot dog chili, sausage dip, no bake cookies and cake for his trip and have embroidered a bag for him and hoping to get to the cover for a cooler thingy. I messed it up so I am trying to get it right but the bag turned out great! WVU none the less! I will post pictures as soon as I can fix my mistakes! LOL! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

County Fair Anyone?

Well, it's that time of year again, is anyone going to your county or state fairs? I decided to enter a couple of items in the fair this year. I wanted to get my nerve up and just do it, ya know! I have this thing about being judged so it was a big step for me, I hope people like what I entered and it gets my name out there. Here are a couple of things I entered, mostly in vintage sewing but a couple were machine embroidery and then I also entered my pumpkin mesh wreath!

Now I need to get ready for fall festivals everywhere! Looking forward to making some new things for fall and the holidays! It's always a busy time of the year around here!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mesh Pumpkin Wreath

Haven't posted in a long time but boy have I been busy this summer!!!! I am dabbling in so many crafts this summer, it's hard to pick just one, I love doing so many but with the hot summer days I long for fall weather and decorating!!!! I recently saw a mesh pumpkin wreath I fell in love with and decided to make one and add my own spin to it! I really love how it turned out! It is really very easy although time consuming rolling all of the ribbons but I completed it in one evening! I hope you enjoy!!!!! If you would like to purchase one like this one please contact me at loveonaneedle@gmail.com. $99.99 for 18" x 18" completed plus actual shipping.
I am going to add simple directions in case you would like to try your hand at it too!

It took a total of 6 rolls of 5.5" x 30 feet of ribbon (I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby). I cut lengths of ribbon and rolled it and attached it to the stryrofoam base. I am posting a picture of the process too, in case you might need a visual of the process. Happy crafting everyone!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bunny Dress and Coat for Annabella

I decided I would make my granddaughter, Annabella a bunny dress and coat from a pattern my mom gave me. She gave me several she had from when my sisters and I were small. I chose this one to make her dress and coat from.
I haven't sewn alot from vintage patterns but let me tell you, I really love how it looks. I am definitely hooked!!!! I will be sewing alot from vintage patterns from now on!!! The downside is that there are very few instructions in comparison with today's patterns. I did find it difficult to follow but loved the end result. The instructions was only one  page for both the coat and dress!!! I think you will need to have a little bit of experience in sewing before tackling a vintage pattern. Here is the page of instructions and pictures of the step by step progress of dress and coat. Hope you enjoy!!!

I chose this fabric from Lily and Will Bunny Hill from Moda. I was so happy to find this fabric on Etsy. I had been on back order in the pink color way but I found it and ordered it immediately, I thought it was perfect for a dress for my 3 yr old granddaughter and I chose a Ecru linen for the bunny coat.

Here is the end result of the dress and coat. I am in love with this pattern. My granddaughter loved her bunny dress and coat too!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Vintage Luxe Bunny for Challenge on Applique Forum

Applique Forum started having monthly challenges for everyone to participate in to push us to use designs and techniques that we have not used before and to think "out side the box" using them!!!! The challenge for March was to take HTD's Vintage Luxe Bunny and make it dimensional in some way. I decided to make my design 3-D and make it looked like a Bunny pull toy!!!! I have attached pictures so you can see "my vision" of the design, I was happy with the outcome, next time I would do a couple of things different, but that is how we learn, try, try and then try again!!!! What do you think of my design? I used Lily and Will Bunny Hill fabric from Moda, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this fabric. I ordered it to make a dress for my granddaughter Annabella for Easter and wanted to use it for the challenge too so I could used the Bunny for decoration for Easter. Her dress turned out cute too, I also made my grandsons, Trey and Asher shirts to match, I will have to post pictures of my Easter goodies next!!!!! Now to get back to making the matching coat for the dress for Annabella!!!! Have I said lately, I LOVE TO SEW!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

From Kim

From Kim by Olabelhe
From Kim, a photo by Olabelhe on Flickr.

Annabella's 3rd birthday, I make her dress every year out of same cupcake fabric, and this year I used an Olabelhe pattern, sews up beautifully!!!!!

From Kim

From Kim by Olabelhe
From Kim, a photo by Olabelhe on Flickr.

My granddaughter's 3rd birthday dress!!! Love this pattern, it is Olivia's dress by Olabelhe

Saturday, March 10, 2012

One room at a time

I am posting a few more pictures of one of the rooms in my studio! One room at a time right! It seems like endless reorganization but I am pretty happy with the one room I have just about completed! What do you think?

One room at a time

I am posting a few more pictures of one of the rooms in my studio! One room at a time right! It seems like endless reorganization but I am pretty happy with the one room I have just about completed! What do you think?

Sewing Studio Redo

I know I have been missing in action for awhile now but I have been trying to reorganize my studio so that I can find things easier. I have to tell ya, it has been a job and I just have one room completed, several more to go but here is my progress so far. I hope I can attach pictures correctly from my I pad, guess we will see! Enjoy!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cloth balloons, really?

I made this cloth balloon tonight and wanted to share it with everyone. I was a little more than skeptical when I saw them on Etsy but I just loved the idea of them. I made one tonight after I ordered one to see if it was indeed what I thought it was! It took me a while to tweak my own pattern for it and make changes that I wanted so the next one I can add embroidery. My balloons are shorter and  wider to accommodate the embroidery design. Now that I have it just the way I need it I can't wait to add the designs!!! I can imagine them used for baby showers, birthdays, get well wishes, weddings, oh my, it will all be up to the fabric and the design!!!! I really love them!!!! Hope you do too!!! I can't wait to get started on the improved ones tomorrow, I will definitely update with pictures with my progress :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthday #56 for the Hubby!!!

Hi all.... Didn't find time to post yesterday, it was my husband's 56th birthday and I just spent the day with him and then had a party with the family last night. I had planned to get over to  my studio after the party but too much cake and ice cream and I was in for the evening!!!!
Today my son is working on getting my Etsy shop set up for me. It's a little overwhelming for a non-tech person like me, but he is doing a great job at getting it all set up for me. I'm so excited that I finally am getting my blog, facebook page and now my Esty shop all set up while he is still here!!!! He will be leaving to go to London in Feb. so time is of the essence. LOL!!!!! He also plans to work on my blog site and tweak it more for me too!!
I worked on a shirt for a customer today. I think it turned out cute but still needed a little something. I am going to post the before and after pictures and see what you think. I blinged it up (the customer wanted bling) and I like it so much better.

I am on call for the hospital tomorrow so I am not sure what it will hold for me!!! Gotta lot more to share this week, check back often :)

Oh, one more thing to share, a flower ring I made to go with this shirt, I thought it was perfect with the tie dye and peace heart sign. Hope Emily likes it :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm still in Valentine's Day mode, anyone else?

Hi all, I am still working on Valentine's Day items, I have a couple more customer orders to complete and have made several shirts for the grands to wear to school and just for fun!!!! I really need to start thinking about the next holiday coming up, but this has been so much fun and the designs are so cute, it's hard to change gears and start thinking about spring. I did get my granddaughter, Annabella, a shirt made that can be used for spring. The design is from Planet Applique and it is an adorable design. I can envision using it on a baby blanket, burps and bibs. Also want to make something for my little yorkie Izzy Bee, maybe another jacket since it has the cutest little bee on it :)

I also completed a few more shirts for boys... I wasn't sure if I could come up with something for them since they are getting older now, but I think they turned out pretty good and are age appropriate for them.... it's hard as they are getting older, for girls there are always designs to do, more than I have time, but for the grandsons its harder....

There are a couple of more I completed and wanted to share, the first is a dress with hanging hearts on it and the second is a be mine shirt. Both designs are from Hang to Dry. I am in love with all of their designs, and they stitch out beautifully. What do you think...
I have to get started on clothes for our Disney trip in May. I can't wait to make those, there are so many cute designs and I love Mickey and Minnie Mouse, I ordered a vintage pattern to make a cute little jumper with a purse for Bella.
Received 2 boxes of fabric and goodies from my sweet sister in law this week. She also has the love of sewing and embroidery, I just wished she didn't live 6 hours away. She could be such a great mentor to me. I am hoping to go to a seminar in April in Kentucky where she lives, it will be wonderful to talk sewing and embroidery for a few days non-stop!!!!! She has more fabric than anyone I have ever known and I am in awe of her talent!!!! Thanks Dreama for all of the goodies and inspiration!!!!
Hope to get lots of things completed this weekend!!!!! If all goes right, I hope to be in my studio nonstop, at least that is my plan.  Hope life cooperates....